Sunday, October 22, 2006


So you ask, why is Yom Kippur observed by fasting for 26 hours and spending the majority of that time in a synagogue, reading from prayers that don't speak to you, that you don't understand, that you would never have thought of if you were just given a piece of paper and a pen.
Wouldn't it be more meaningful if I were eating today, so that I could concentrate more on the prayer that I'm saying, rather than the rumbling and grumbling of my stomach?
Wouldn't it be more meaningful if we would only say a few of the prayers as apposed to the entire book!
Wouldn't it be more meaningful if I would just pray in English? These Hebrew rhymes mean to me almost as much as the B'nei Adam means to the chicken.
So, if you would ask me this question, I would answer you in two words: I agree.
But the question begs itself. More meaningful for whom?
You or G-d?
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
After Yom Kippur of course.